The Revue belge d’Archéologie et Histoire de l’Art – Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Oudheikunde en Kunstgeschiedenis is published by the Academy. Its edition is supported by a Commission for Publications under the direction of its Vice-President.
The members of the Commission for Publications are appointed by the General Assembly for a period of three years. This Commission is currently composed of Ms. C. Ceulemans (Chair), Mr. Th. Coomans (Secretary), Mrs. et MM. C. Currie, G. Delmarcel, A. De Poorter, L. De Ren, Y. Leblicq, D. Martens, J. Vander Auwera, R. Van Laere and D. Vanwijnsberghe (members).
Since 2007, the Commission for Publications is assisted by an International Scientific Council constituted by Dr. Lorne Campbell, research curator, National Gallery London, Prof. Thomas DaCosta Kaufmann, Princeton University, Prof. Reindert Falkenburg, New-York University, Abu Dhabi Faculty, Dr. Jacques Foucart, conservateur honoraire, Musée du Louvre, Prof. Jeffrey Müller, Brown University.